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How to Install Yosemite on a Macpro1,1 or a Macpro2,1

by Donald B James

0) Reference:

1) Download the Pre-patched Piker-Alpha bootable Yosemite Installer from here:!q1IRFJzK!GUinePUGF3jAAu3oUym-GHBC9doWRTU1p6nnkXkJFdQ . This is in the form of a dmg zip file. Double-click on the file after it is completely downloaded. It is about 5 gb, so it will take a while. It is not necessary to double-click the dmg file.

2) Make a small partition on your hard drive to use for installing the bootloader. Start Disk Utility. Click on the hard drive to be used for the installer. Click on the Partition tab. Drag from the bottom-right of the partition to resize the partition. Make it small -- about 10 GB. Click on apply. Click on the new partition. Click on the + sign below the left panel. Give the new partition a name, for example, "YosemiteInstaller". Click on apply.

3) Drag the Yosemite Installer.dmg file to the left pane of Disk Utility.

4) Click on Yosemite Installer.dmg in the left-hand pane. Click on the Restore tab. Be sure that Yosemite Installer.dmg shows up in the source drive window.

5) Drag the YosemiteInstaller Volume to the destination window. Be sure that "Yosemite Installer.dmg" is still in the source window.

6) Click on the hard drive in which you created the small partition. Drag the small partition, "YosemiteInstaller", to the destination window. Make sure that "Yosemite Installer.dmg" is still in the source window.

7) Click on the Restore button in the bottom-right of Disk Utility. It will take a few minutes for the restore to complete. As soon as it is complete, this partition will show up as a boot drive in System Preferences -> Startup Disk.

8) You are now ready to install Yosemite. Be sure that the drive you are installing on has a GUID partition.

9) Click on Apple Menu->System Preferences->Startup Drive. Click on YosemiteInstaller drive and then Restart. Your computer will restart with the YosemiteInstaller and start to install Yosemite.

10) As soon as Yosemite gets installed, download PikeYoseFix script from here:
Run it and reboot Yosemite twice. This script prevents Yosemite update from replacing the boot.efi file.

11) Take a look at this thread on This thread is the source for installing Yosemite on the macpro1,1 and macpro2,1.